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There have been 29 reported this year, up from 14 in the same period last year, even as hate crimes overall have declined during that time by almost 30 percent. Carson's murder comes at a time when anti-gay crimes in New York City are on the rise, according to the NYPD. 'You look like gay wrestlers.' Morales followed the men down the street shouting anti-gay slurs before fatally shooting Carson at point-blank range just blocks from the Stonewall Inn.

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'Look at you faggots,' Morales allegedly said. (Danny Moloshok/Reuters)Ī couple weeks ago, Mark Carson, a 32-year-old gay man dressed in a tank top, cut-off shorts, and boots, was walking with his friend in the West Village when they were approached by Elliot Morales. When Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder Robbie Rogers took the pitch on Sunday, he became the first openly gay man to play on a major professional team in the U.S.

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