“Well, Jake and I will be waiting at your place with some friends you better be ready to make us happy!” I couldn’t help but get hard and my pace quickened as my desire grew along with a growing fear of what I was getting into. “Hi, did you get Carol off to the plane OK?”, which scared the hell out of me…was he watching me right now!?!? “Yeah, she’s outta the picture for a few.”. I was surprised when I was halfway back through the terminal and my phone buzzed me with Terry’s caller ID. Still, I didn’t want her or her bank account to get hurt by my behavior, but the thought of having gay sex again really did make me horny. I took Carol to the airport and kissed her good-bye I loved her, but I married her more for the money she and her family had, what’s more I knew it all along.
A few days later a temporary reprieve came when Carol needed to go to New York City for three weeks to manage the business and I could figure my way out of this mess, but they had the video of Jake and me and things couldn’t get any worse, or so I thought.
Jake told me Terry and he were going to make sure I either do whatever the fuck they wanted to do to me OR I’d lose my cushy “free ride” with my wife. “What the fuck, what the fuck…”, my head was reeling for days after Jake left, what the hell had I gotten myself involved in and how the fuck was I going to get out of it.