Fusion gay bar denver

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And you know what? Most nights they’re not wrong, with limber, cut dancers, deft DJs, and a generally high-energy atmosphere that runs until last call. Long a late-night stop-off on the bustling length of Broadway in the Baker neighborhood, Boyztown bills itself as Denver’s Hottest Male Revue (RIP the former Compound Basix nearby). Look up #partyyoncolfax on Instagram for some of the costumed revelers and event flyers, from brunches and sing-along nights to queer proms. Get there early, or not, and be ready to sweat (especially if it’s at one of their undies or leather parties). The one-story, dance-friendly space stays busy with karaoke, DJ nights and a wild weekend atmosphere, but Pride month will generate even bigger lines down the block. Within walking distance of downtown Denver as well as Capitol Hill’s numerous venues and bars, X Bar is a strong magnet with its huge patio parties and palpable camaraderie. Besides nurturing Denver-based “RuPaul’s Drag Race” winners such as Yvie Oddly and the most recent season’s champ, Willow Pill, it’s got open mics and hip-hop nights (18 and up!) and three of the best dance floors and DJ setups in the city. Indisputably Denver’s largest and most important LGBTQ club, the current incarnation in what’s now the RiNo Art District has over the last 17 years made its name with national-quality drag performances, touring artists and raucous, themed parties. Sunday, June 26th 2022 Home Page Close Menu

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